Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
How long do you take to dispatch the item out upon receiving the order?
We will usually take 1-2 business days to dispatch the item out.
What is the method for delivery?
We offer a choice of Singpost registered postage and DHL Express. For customers based in United States, we will ship it from a fulfilment centre based in USA.
How much are the shipping fees?
Singpost registered postage
- Singapore- 2-3 working days
- Asia: 6-8 working days
- Australia and New Zealand- 10 working days
- Philippines- 14 working days
- Israel- 20 working days
- United Arab Emirates- 20 working days
- United States- 14 working days (for items not available in USA fulfilment warehouse) or 7 working days for items shipped via the USA fulfilment warehouse
- Canada - 10-12 working days
- Europe- 14 working days
- North America- 3-4 working days
- Europe- 3-4 working days
- Asia: 3-4 working days
- Australia and New Zealand- 3-4 working days
- Rest of the world- 5 working days
USA fulfilment
We provide faster shipping for USA customers via our USA Fufilment Delivery services for some products. Items that are eligible for the fufilment service will be specified in the product listing. The items will be dispatched via USPS first class delivery service. A tracking number will be provided. It will take 5 working days for the item to reach you.
Returns Policy
You may return new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. A 15% handling fee will be charged (maximum charge SGD70). You will have to pay for the return shipping fees.
If you wish to return the package after it is opened, you can do so within 30 days. A 15% handling fee will be charged (maximum charge SGD70). You will have to pay for the return shipping fees.
In the event, that you had received the wrong items or a defective item within 30 days, we will pay for the shipping charges.
For customers who purchased our product in our retail store, you may return any unopened packaging within 7 days from the date of purchase. We will not accept any request for refund for open package items unless the item is defective.
We will notify you your refund via e-mail once we have received and processed the returned item.